‘A concept where neurological differences are recognised and respected in the same way as any other human difference.’
Personal accounts
“People who think and experience the world in a way that is different to “neurotypical’ majority of society. ”
“I’m dyslexic and have processing issues (mostly with auditory information and instructions, and also with recall of information). I get extra time in exams but that’s about it - and even though I have spoken to all of my teachers about some of the things that I would find useful, am constantly met with false promises of ‘oh yeah we’ll do that to help you’. Especially this last year (2020) - I really struggled with online school, and yet again despite speaking to my teachers about the issues I faced, I feel as though I have not been supported enough. And this is especially harmful as my school preaches about it’s brilliant neurodiversity support but I feel as though they are still a step behind in the actual provision of the support.
Additionally, I’m in year 13 and not once have I seen the government mention anything about how neurodivergent people have struggled. While I am in a privileged position where I was able to access online school, I did not find it helpful and really struggled with it. ”